今年、9 月にパリ(フランス)での世界最高峰のプルミエール・ヴィジョンの展示会の出展を目指して日々努力しています。
Our division is…
Mainly marketing the laces to the foreign customers.
The number of countries is 23rd such as ASIA, ASEAN, MIDDLE EAS T, EUROPE and AMERICA. But wehave a policy to increase the number of countries.
To catch the customers’ eyes, wedevelop the lace every single day.
We exhibit our collections on abroad and also visit the foreign customers not to neglect.
We join the exhibition in PARIS, NEW YORK, BANGKOK, JAKARTA and SHANGHAI to catch the newcustomers.
In order to meet the needs of the customers, we develop the new collections.In September in this year, we are making an effort every day to join the PREMIERE VISION which is the highest level.
This is the image simulation which we can exhibit our collections anytime.
見た目~着心地までお客様の感性を刺激出来る3 つの「I」を創造しています。
シーズンを問わず絶えずFASHION PRODUCE に向け、企画生産、糸の選定より生地生産、複合加工までの工程をスタッフ自ら企画、バイヤーのオリジナル商品の生産まで国内外の生産工場と共に作り上げます。
Our department attaches a high value to appearance and comfort, thus creating the “3 Is” -INSPIRATION,
IMAGINATION, AND IDEAPOWER- in order to stimulate your feelings.
Without regard to the seasons, our staff continuously organizes the operation of the project of output and production towards FASHION PRODUCE, by selecting the right thread for our articles and the composite process by cooperating with domestic and foreign industrial factories, moreover producing original clothes suggested by professional buyers.
Since we always maintain creativity and a high pioneer spirit we are looking forward to your requests.
又、レース生地に+αの2 次加工を加えてまた違った見え方の提案をした製品を考えています。 売れ筋に流されない洗練された感覚を常に追求しながら前進したいと考えています。
Our division is….
Developing the garments which have the lace usage in the many kinds of case by using the property of lace maker to advantage.We produce the garments which have the different sight by adding the second processing on the lace fabrics.
We think to run after the fine sense without influencing the trend and progress.